Futebol 2019-20 (Portugal)

Futebol 2019-20 (Portugal) Panini, 2019

Futebol 2019-20 (Portugal) - Panini Name: Futebol 2019-20 (Portugal)
Company: Panini
Year: 2019

Total stickers: 422
Numbers: 1-394
Special stickers: BIS037, BIS041, BIS047, BIS048, BIS051, BIS052, BIS065, BIS069, BIS077, BIS081, BIS107, BIS124, BIS169, BIS174, BIS181, BIS182, BIS205, BIS208, BIS256, BIS265, BIS270, BIS273, BIS289, BIS299, BIS315, T01, T02, T03

Members that swap: 10
Stickers offered: 458
Stickers wanted: 342

Remarks: -

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