
About klebebildchen.net

klebebildchen.net is a free sticker community to help you complete your sticker collection as fast and easy as possible.

How does it work?

klebebildchen.net helps you fill your album by finding other user to swap with.

1. Register and login

klebebildchen.net is totally free of charge !

2. Choose serie and enter stickers

Choose the serie/s you collect (e.g. "Panini 2010") and enter the stickers you want to swap.

3. Find swap partners

klebebildchen.net automatically shows you a list of the best swap partners for you.

4. Swap

Choose a swap parter and klebebildchen.net sents him an email with your swap offer.
If he accepts your offer you sent each other a letter with the stickers.

5. Album filled

That's the way it should be :)

I'm still klebing, yeah, yeah, yeah.