Match Attax Premier League 2011/12 Russian Edition

Match Attax Premier League 2011/12 Russian Edition Merlin/Topps, 2011

Match Attax Premier League 2011/12 Russian Edition - Merlin/Topps Name: Match Attax Premier League 2011/12 Russian Edition
Hersteller: Merlin/Topps
Jahr: 2011

Anzahl Bildchen: 244
Nummern: 1-244
Sonderbildchen: -

Anzahl Tauschpartner: 1
Bildchen geboten: 17
Bildchen gesucht: 1

Anmerkungen: Each English Premier League team has 10 base cards, 1 star player card (rare) and 1 Man of the Match (more rare) (nrs. 221-240) and 4 Hundred Club cards (rarest) (nrs. 241-244)
ard set of players of the English Premier League. Names and position in the field are written in Kyrillic writing. This site provides a checklist:

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