LEGO Star Wars Trading Card Collection - Jubiläums-Edition

LEGO Star Wars Trading Card Collection - Jubiläums-Edition Blue Ocean, 2024

LEGO Star Wars Trading Card Collection - Jubiläums-Edition - Blue Ocean Name: LEGO Star Wars Trading Card Collection - Jubiläums-Edition
Company: Blue Ocean
Year: 2024

Total stickers: 277
Numbers: 1-250
Special stickers: LE01, LE02, LE03, LE04, LE05, LE06, LE07, LE08, LE09, LE10, LE11, LE12, LE13, LE14, LE15, LE16, LE17, LE18, LE19, LE20, LE21, LE22, LE23, LE24, LE25, [Leeralbum], [Stickertüte]

Members that swap: 25
Stickers offered: 1,692
Stickers wanted: 1,535

Remarks: Eine Übersicht über die limitierten Karten findest Du hier: https://www.blue-ocean.de/fileadmin/Lizenzen/Lego_Starwars/TCC_5/LSWTCC5-LE-Uebersicht_D.pdf

Nr.: 1-150 Charakterkarten, 151-165 Kunstkarten, 166-180 Comic-Karten, 170-187 Kunstkarten, 181-207 Puzzlekarten 208-232 Setkarten, 233-245 Fahrzeugkarten, 245-250 Goldkarten

Limitierte Karten:
LE01 Kylo Ren, LE02 Darth Vader, LE03 Sturmtruppler, LE04 General Grievous, LE05 Yoda, LE06 Ahsoka Tano, LE07 Boba Fett, LE08 Jango Fett, LE09 Darth Maul, LE10 Luke Skywalker, LE11 Grogu, LE12 Din jarin, LE13 Darth Sidious, LE14 Bo-Katan Kryze, LE15 Admiral Thrawn, LE16 Han Solo, LE17 Chewbacca, LE18 C-3PO, LE19 R2-D2, LE20 R2-D2 & C-3PO, LE21 Grogu & Din Djarin, LE22 Darth Sidious vs. Yoda, LE23 Kylo Ren vs. Rey LE24 Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader, LE25 Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi

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