CL 2024/25 [UEFA Champions League - Official Sticker Collection Season 2024/25]

CL 2024/25 [UEFA Champions League - Official Sticker Collection Season 2024/25] Merlin/Topps, 2024

CL 2024/25 [UEFA Champions League - Official Sticker Collection Season 2024/25] - Merlin/Topps Name: CL 2024/25 [UEFA Champions League - Official Sticker Collection Season 2024/25]
Hersteller: Merlin/Topps
Jahr: 2024

Anzahl Bildchen: 544
Nummern: 1-531
Sonderbildchen: RS01, RS02, RS03, RS04, RS05, RS06, RS07, RS08, RS09, RS10, [Hardcoveralbum], [Leeralbum], [Stickertüte]

Anzahl Tauschpartner: 110
Bildchen geboten: 11.613
Bildchen gesucht: 7.195

Anmerkungen: 80 Seiten Album (plus cover):
Seite 1: Topps Logo, UEFA Respect Sticker, Album front cover sticker
Seite 2: 2023/24 Team and Player of the Season
Seite 3: 2023/24 UWCL Team and Player of the Season
Seite 4-37: UEFA-Champions League Teams (17 Teams)
Seite 38-39: 1st Stickers
Seite 40-63: UEFA-Champions League Teams (12 Teams)
Seite 64-65: Memories That Stick II
Seite 66-67: Impact Signings
Seite 68-74: UEFA-Champions League Teams (7 Teams)
Seite 75: UCL & UWCL Roll of Honour
Seite 76-77: UWCL Ones to Watch
Seite 78: Energy
Seite 79: UEFA Youth League
Seite 80: CMS

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