Buffy Class of '99 (Score Entertainment)

Buffy Class of '99 (Score Entertainment) Sonstiges, 2002

Buffy Class of '99 (Score Entertainment) - Sonstiges Name: Buffy Class of '99 (Score Entertainment)
Hersteller: Sonstiges
Jahr: 2002

Anzahl Bildchen: 284
Nummern: 1-258
Sonderbildchen: EI1, HH2, IN01, IN02, IN03, IN04, P01, P02, P03, P04, P05, P06, P07, P08, P09, P10, PRE01, PRE02, PRE03, PRE04, PRE05, PRE06, S01, S02, S03, S04

Anzahl Tauschpartner: 2
Bildchen geboten: 61
Bildchen gesucht: 284

Anmerkungen: Der Hersteller ist Score Entertainment es handelt sich um 258 nummerierte Karten(1-258)+ 4 Slayer on Campus Karten(S1-S4)+ 4 Initiative Karten (IN1-IN4)+ 6 Prewiew Karten(PRE1-PRE6) + 10 Promo Karten(P1-P10) und 2 Sonderkarten mit dem Namen EI1 und HH2(also ingesamt 284 Karten)

Hier die Checkliste:
1 Dead Man's Party - Challenge
2 Homecoming - Challenge
3 Eliminati Vamps - Character
4 HellHound - Character *
5 Percy West - Character
6 Scott Hope - Character
7 The Harbingers - Character
8 April Fools Dress Shop � Location
9 Boiler Room - Location
10 Faith's Motel - Location
11 Garden Shed - Location
12 Eliminati Swords - Item
13 Formal Wear - Item
14 Holy Hand Grenate - Item
15 Living Flame - Item
16 Maps and Stuff - Item
17 Slayer Kryptonite - Item
18 Witch Pez Dispenser - Item
19 Cross-Referencing - Skill
20 Demonology, Ph.D - Skill
21 Knife Practice - Skill
22 Necronomenclature - Skill
23 Slayer's Fortitude - Skill
24 Slayer's Training - Skill
25 Spells, Curses, And Whammies - Skill
26 Telekinesis - Skill
27 Telepathic Block - Skill
28 Tutoring - Skill
29 Birthday Tradition - Event
30 Caught in the Crossfire - Event
31 Come to the Dark Side - Event
32 Disciplinary Council - Event
33 Locker Search - Event
34 All's Well That Ends Well - Action
35 Big Bang - Action
36 Book Cramming - Action
37 Book Learning - Action
38 Cluck-Cluck - Action
39 Creep Factor - Action
40 Discovery - Action
41 Don't Get Killed - Action
42 Dramatic Irony - Action
43 Drive Like Crazy - Action
44 Group Support - Action *
45 Hair Flip - Action
46 If At First You Don't Succed - Action
47 Knowledge is Power - Action
48 Manic-depressive Chick �Action
49 Neat Freak - Action
50 Off My Game - Action
51 Full-on Monster Fighting - Action
52 Prom - Action
53 Testosterone - Action
54 The Help of the Merry Men - Action
55 Tranquilized - Action
56 Untrustworthy - Action
57 Vampire Embrace - Action
58 Want, Take, Have - Action
59 And Hell Follows With Him - Challenge
60 Fairy Tales Are Real - Challenge
61 Gingerbread - Challenge
62 Hell's Angel - Challenge
63 Price of True Evil - Challenge
64 Tento di Cruciamentum - Challenge
65 Through The Demon Portal - Challenge
66 Amy Madison - Character
67 Angel - Character
68 Anyanka - Character
69 Buffy Summers - Character
70 Faith - Character
71 Faith - Character
72 Hansel and Gretel - Character
73 Jack O'Toole -Character
74 Pat - Character
75 Jonathan Levenson - Character
76 Ken - Character
77 Lunch Lady - Character
78 Mr. Trick - Character
79 Oz - Character
80 Pete - Character
81 Rupert Giles - Character
82 Tucker Wells - Character *
83 Wesley Wyndam-Pryce - Character *
84 Willow Rosenberg - Character
85 Xander Harris - Character
86 Hell - Location
87 Sporting Goods Store - Location
88 Sunnydale Arms - Location
89 Bathazar's Amulet - Item
90 Disturbing Features - Item
91 Faith's Knife - Item
92 Haphazard Bomb - Item
93 Killer of the Dead - Item
94 Love Tattoo - Item
95 Tranquilizer Gun - Item
96 Channeled Aggression -Skill
97 Charming - Skill
98 Gourmet Cuisine - Skill
99 Homecoming Queen - Skill
100 Invulnerability - Skill
101 Scoring Well - Skill
102 Warding - Skill
103 In The Past - Event
104 Young at Heart - Event
105 "Bad Girls" Part 1 - Episode
106 "Band Candy" Part 1 - Episode
107 "Graduation Day" Part 1 - Episode
108 "Lover's Walk" Part 1 - Episode
109 "The Zeppo" Part 1 - Episode
110 Done - Action
111 I Quit - Action
112 Lust For Her Death - Action
113 Modern Day Vampire - Action
114 Preparing for Ascension - Action
115 Slayer's Lust - Action
116 Unknown Outcome - Action
117 Ascension of Olivikan - Challenge
118 Commencement Ceremonies - Challenge
119 Flamma Vitae - Challenge
120 Angel - Character
121 Angel - Character
122 Anyanka - Character
123 Balthazar - Character
124 Buffy Summers - Character
125 Buffy Summers - Character
126 Cordelia - Character
127 Faith - Character
128 Faith - Character
129 Faith - Character
130 Faith - Character
131 Gwendolyn Post - Character
132 Mayor Richard Wilkins III - Character
133 Mayor Richard Wilkins III - Character
134 Mr Trick - Character
135 Oz - Character
136 Rupert Giles - Character
137 Spike - Character
138 The First - Character
139 The Master - Character
140 Vamp Willow - Character
141 Willow - Character
142 Xander - Character
143 Band Candy Warehouse - Location
144 Fountain Quad - Location
145 Box of Gavrok - Item
146 Candy Bars - Item
147 Glove of Myhnegon - Item
148 Compound Bow - Item
149 Mask of Ovu Mobani - Item
150 Symbol of Anyanka - Item
151 Tome of Mediocrity - Item
152 Verbal Non-Verbal - Skill
153 Eventful Combat - Event
154 Initiation - Episode
155 "Bad Girls" Part 2 - Episode
156 "Band Candy" Part 2 - Episode
157 "Graduation Day" Part 2 - Episode
158 "Lover's Walk" Part 2 - Episode
159 "The Zeppo" Part 2 - Episode
160 A Crazy plan - Action
161 Ambushed - Action
162 Been There, Killed That - Action
163 Bored Now - Action
164 Crushing Blow - Action *
165 Demon in Sheep's Clothing - Action
166 Kicking Demon Ass - Action
167 Make it a double - Action
168 Raising the Stakes - Action
169 Rivalry - Action
170 Three-some - Action
171 A Thing - Skill
172 Class Protector - Skill
173 Demon Hunting - Skill
174 Morality Lecture
175 Slayer's Handiwork - Action *
176 Mobile Tracking System - Item
177 Quality Rage - Skill
178 Black Hat - Action
179 Caught Off Guard
180 Hidden Allies - Action
181 Lover's Return - Challenge
182 Spring Madness - Challenge
183 The Big Night - Challenge
184 Young, Fast and Hot-Blooded - Challenge
185 Beauty And The Beast - Challenge
186 Bring Me My Amulet - Challenge
187 One Man Army - Challenge
188 Return of the First - Challenge
189 Slayerfest '98 - Challenge
190 Lunch Special - Challenge
191 Doppelgangland - Challenge
192 Power of the Wish - Challenge
193 Start The Juicer - Challenge
194 Wish Granted - Challenge
195 Larry Blaisdell - Character
196 Zachary Kralik - Character
197 Bizarro Blood Bottling Plant - Location
198 Bizarro Bronze - Location
199 Bizarro Streets of Sunnydale - Location
200 Bizarro Sun Cinema - Location
201 Bizarro SunnyDale High School - Location
202 Bizarro Sunnydale School Library - Location
203 Deserted Cabin - Location
204 Eye of Rat - Item
205 Hallway Scene-Making - Skill
206 Major Wiggins - Skill
207 Trade Talks - Skill
208 Fast Food - Event
209 Out Of Options - Event
210 "The Wish" part 1 - Episode
211 "The Wish" part 2 - Episode
212 Blood and Crumpets - Action
213 Broken Wishes - Action
214 Clarion Call - Action
215 I Love This Part - Action
216 I'm A Blood Sucking Fiend! - Action
217 Oh Fff... - Action
218 Oz Watch - Action
219 Tiny Victory - Action
220 Watching Playtime - Action
221 Who Do You Work For? - Action
222 Wish The Weirding - Action
223 Angel - Character
224 Anyanka - Character
225 Buffy Summers - Character
226 Buffy, Bizarro Land - Character
227 Cordelia - Character
228 Faith - Character
229 Kakistos - Character
230 The Mayor - Character
231 Mr. Trick - Character
232 Oz - Character
233 Rupert Giles - Character
234 The Master - Character
235 Vamp Willow - Character
236 Vamp Xander - Character
237 Willow - Character
238 Xander - Character
239 Buffy / Double-sided essence
240 Xander / Double-sided essence
241 Angel / Double-sided essence
242 Willow / Double-sided essence
243 The Mayor / Double-sided essence
244 Mr. Trick / Double-sided essence
245 Kakistos / Double-sided essence
246 Faith / 4 Adam - Double-sided essence
247 Vamp Willow
248 Vamp Xander
249 The Master
250 Anyanka
251 Oz
252 Buffy Bizarro Land
253 Giles
254 Cordelia
255 City Hall - Location
256 Books of Ascension -Item
257 Day of Ascension - Event
258 Calling in the Heavy Artillery - Action
S1 Tara
S2 Anya
S3 Harmony
S4 Kathy
IN1 Riley
IN2 Spike
IN3 Maggie Walsh
IN4 Adam
PRE1 Initiative Commando's
PRE2 UC Sunnydale Commons
PRE3 Espresso Pump
PRE4 Freshman Year
PRE5 Maggie Walsh
PRE6 Riley Finn
P1 Chains - Item
P2 Chaperone - Skill
P3 Deputy Mayor Allan Finch - Character
P4 Dudes - Character
P5 Gathering Votes - Action
P6 Giles, Ripper - Character
P7 Lyle& Candy Gorch - Character
P8 Please, Not In The Face - Action
P9 The Dream - Event
P10 Xander, The Zeppo - Character
EI1 Angelus - Character
HH2 Snow - Event

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